target and down to 212lbs - but the end of next week I should be below 15
stone! Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about it. Not that I can do much
with it - it's not like getting a new car, for example. I can, however, throw
out more of my fat-me clothes as they look a little ridiculous now. I actually
changed what I was wearing on Saturday because of it. I'm feeling pretty proud
and getting a lot of encouragement.
as you may have gathered from the title of this post, I failed on my abstinence
against potatoes. I do have a reason - my current diet is low in fibre, which
those of you who know about these things will appreciate causes problems. For
those of you who don't, fibre is important for getting rid of food once you're
done with it. And, last night as I looked down upon my side of chips (came with
the meal, not ordered specially) I was reminded by one of my companions that
potato does contain fibre. So I admitted it served some purpose and tucked in -
I was okay for calories as I had been planning to get something in the cinema
we were going to after that, so skipped that instead.
I stand by my arguments which pollute this post; you shouldn't eat potato. A
quick internet search revealed bananas are fairly high in fibre which is great
news as they're high in potassium as well - something else my diet is lacking.
So I have invested in some of those and will be munching my way through one a
day as often as possible.
also bought some multi-vitamins. Personally, I believe you can get everything
you need vitamin/nutrition wise from actual foods. This is correct; one can. It
does not, however, mean that one does. My diet, while staying on top of my
calorie intake, does not look after my nutritional needs completely and so
while I look into amending that (for example, by having a banana a day) I will
be taking them. Hopefully this will improve my general health and possibly even
my demeanour - poor health, poor attitude after all - and I will detail that
here over the next thirty days.
update is that I have downloaded an interval training app after being beaten
over the head with the instruction to do so. It doesn't look anywhere near as
bad as I feared, but I am still suspicious. Partly, I'm naturally suspicious of
anything new but also if I can't do it then I'll never live it down. I guess
the only way to prove I can is by doing, though, so it will happen. I've also
had a sleep cycle app recommended to me, as apparently unnatural sleep patterns
can cause diets to be less effective. I can wholly believe this is the case, so
no suspicion there. I will be giving it a look, which unfortunately means
giving up my irregular but socially rewarding sleep pattern. Frankly, I'd
rather live and staying up until 1-4am variously throughout the week is
probably unnecessary.
there's the new update, enjoy. As ever, questions welcome; I will provide
whatever assistance or information I can. Thanks to those who have already sent
me an email/message or asked in person - it's always nice to know I'm not just
talking to myself with these posts!
Well done you, brilliant!!