It helps that what I’ve
done has worked – I wouldn’t propagate a theory that hadn’t been
successful except to annoy people, which on a subject as intimate and
close to my heart as weight loss I wouldn’t do. It
is a serious concern for a high number of people and one that people
are constantly looking for assistance with and this blog is actually
intended to help people, as much as some might be surprised I am doing
anything with that goal in mind. For that reason,
everything I write down is meant to entertain or advise, possibly both.
Don’t like it, don’t take it but don’t for a second assume I don’t
understand or appreciate how difficult a struggle fighting obesity can
Back to the whole
‘obesity as a disease’ subject! I’ve heard a lot of discussion about
this and, while little of it was scientific or professional, I have
considered a lot of different views about it. My first
response to calling it a disease is that no, it cannot be one; it is an
effect. Simply put, you eat too much and you get fat. That’s the base
equation; some might call it harsh. But it’s not, it’s just simple. You
get cut, you bleed; you get happy, you smile;
you eat too much, you get fat. It is what happens. But is it fair to
break it down to such a bare bones analysis? I mean, arguably if you
don’t eat you lose weight
and get ill. There are complications in life that we can’t rule out.
People have told me it’s
genetic; you can ‘inherit’ being fat from your parents. I think, using
Darwin’s law of ‘Survival of the Fittest’, this could happen over a
series of generations
if being obese is continued through those generations. It
has to be worked towards, it’s not something you can achieve without
eating a substantial amount – the human body is, after all, designed as
an energy using machine. This means you have
to eat more than you use before it starts to build up – sounds simple
but I know I really had to put some effort into accepting that I was
eating too much for my level of activity. If this happens over several
generations you will be passing on an increasing
ability to store fat – to get fat – to your children. So, sure
it can be genetic but at the same time there needs to be a significant
history of obesity in your family for it to be a big factor.
Even then it’s more a susceptibility
to obesity you are passing on rather than obesity itself. I have
found no evidence of an actual gene or genetic trait that means you will
be born fat, or destined to be fat. It is something you can fight,
something you can struggle against. Allowing yourself
to believe it is genetic and therefore inescapable means you will never
believe you can avoid it. This is not evidence of it being a disease;
it is evidence of it being a
belief, or possibly a psychological disorder or syndrome
if you don’t like the first term. I firmly believe, think, understand,
appreciate, subscribe to and agree with (whichever term has more meaning
for you) the idea that we can create
barriers in our minds that has a powerful effect on how we behave and
act – and dieting, eating and exercise habits or over-eating are all
equally affected by those mental barriers. Willpower is key to
everything we do, this no less.
Another reason I don’t
qualify obesity as a disease; it’s not contagious or infectious.
Arguably if you are in a social group or culture where obesity is the
norm you are more likely to replicate this behaviour
and accept it. However, this is a behavioural phenomenon or a cultural
influence and there is nothing biological, viral or parasitical causing
it except by the use of an artistic – and somewhat powerful – metaphor.
If someone has a cold, or a stomach bug,
or Ebola, sitting next to them on the bus is probably not going to end
well for you (especially option three). You may not be infected but
there’s a fair chance (or a terrifying chance for option three). No
matter how many times you sit next to, near, around
or interact with someone who is obese, this interaction alone will not make you fat.
Lastly, there is no
‘cure’ or ‘pill’ or medical service to deal with obesity. You see
advertisements for ‘skinny pills’ or ‘lose fat fast’ tablets all the
time; the only way this will work is either by killing
your ability to feel hunger (potentially fatal and probably not good
for you) or by you subscribing to the idea that they work (read: Placebo effect). If there was a pill that caused a
fat-targeting bacteria or enzyme to be released in your
body that someone didn’t turn out to be a flesh eating
virus/parasite/bacteria then I’m pretty sure knowledge of it wouldn’t be
restricted to tiny, cheap adverts on dodgy websites.