Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Fourth Weekly Update – Vacation Vacation

            Did everyone enjoy their Easter break? Four whole days of time away from the laborious labours of labour and labouring? I hope everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing break – I know I did and when you see the scores on the doors you’ll see I was slightly lax in keeping to my diet.
Monday: 0 calories [Gym]
Tuesday: 276 calories [Gym]
Wednesday: -92 calories [Gym]
Thursday: 0-350 calories
Friday: 9000+ calories
Saturday: 9000+ calories
Sunday: 9000+ calories
Monday: 9000+ calories
Weight: 251lbs
            Now, before I continue I want to make it clear I didn’t actually consume 36,000 calories over Easter weekend. I just have no idea of numbers as I didn’t record anything and nor was I making any particular effort to watch what I ate either. I went on a road trip with three friends to visit a fourth in Cornwall. It was a lot of fun, but after having 1400 calories for breakfast on Friday I stopped worrying about it and decided I was on holiday. Since we spent most the four days drinking various types of alcohol and eating enough bacon to necessitate the slaughter of a dozen pigs, I’m glad I stopped counting calories at all. All in all, I’m surprised I only put on 3-4lbs but pleasantly so.  
            I am back on the diet wagon now though, planning a gym visit tonight and recording my intake again. I’ve started having a slightly larger breakfast (400 cals from 180) in the hope of reducing my lunch time intake and not being so hungry for half the day. This makes my day time breakdown 400-500-770, much more balanced, and hopefully that’ll help me control how much I eat out of habit rather than by sheer force of will alone.
            This entry is a lot shorter than others because there’s not much to talk about as far as diet experimentation goes because the only change I made was to substitute most foods with bacon and I’m pretty sure rum has very little, if any, nutritional content. Also, I’m suffering under a four-day-delayed hang over and having to deal with impatient, ignorant spongers on the phone and I’m only just managing it so my concentration is a little frayed. For now I’ll wish you good day and good diet.

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