Tuesday 16 April 2013

Step Away From the Slippery Slope

                So I failed on delivering that extra post that might have been slightly helpful/encouraging. Ooops. Busy week, new job, actually went to gym, illness, the lot. There are my excuses for not doing it. I will be trying to get it done this week but as Richard Nixon said, “No promises”. I also appreciate I missed my Monday post (again) and have no real excuse for that. So here it is now:
Monday: 172 calories (Gym)
Tuesday: 343 calories
Wednesday: -108 calories
Thursday: 214 calories
Friday: -761 calories
Saturday: -1100 calories
Sunday: 422 calories (Gym)
Weekly total: -818 calories (2 Gym)
Weight: 245lbs
                Now it may look like I had a depressive fit on Friday which carried over into Saturday – or that I simply gave up on the diet. Neither of those is true (although that is arguable in the case of Saturday, when I ordered a pizza at 2am to comfort myself during a Robot Wars drinking game which had gone horribly, horribly wrong). A birthday maybe? No, not one of them either. I just let myself go a bit and enjoyed myself. Really I should have prepared better and got some other food for myself in advance – Uncle Ben could have come to my rescue with some microwavable rice which would have cut my deficit down by about 1,000 calories and I would have been fine for the weekly total.
                Which just goes to show how easily a diet can be incorporated into one’s life; I had an absolute binge on Friday with friends eating roughly two chickens between us and a bunch of other not-very-diety things but if I’d been able to pick better contenders for Robot Wars on Saturday night and not had three of my picks drive themselves into the pit I wouldn’t have been over run by despair and ordered pizza and I’d still be within my weekly target. Crazy but true.
                I also got some encouraging words from my aunt about my diet when I spoke to her about it, which I didn’t expect as she’s usually quite emphatic about dieting and calories and all that jazz. She’s also a vegetarian of over three decades, so our diets aren’t exactly similar. I mentioned trying to reach vitamin targets and other nutritional goal and she commented that really when you change your diet drastically you shouldn’t try to cover too many targets or goals; my main goal is weight loss and calorie care and so while I can monitor vitamin and other nutrients I should focus on the main goal above these and avoid trying to change my diet still further to reach for other goals while I’m only in the process of chasing my first one. Which was good advice and helped me worry less about it, and stress reduction is always good.
                So there it is, my worst week diet-wise since I started! I’m not depressed or upset about it, although I will need to do a bit more gym work this week. Yes, this may in part be due to food-guilt (clearly evident from the gym visit on Sunday morning) but I do enjoy going to the gym so would like to go more anyway. I’ve told myself this so much now that I even kind of believe it.



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