Monday 8 April 2013

Weekly Update 08/04/2013

            Okay diet fans, Monday has come around again and it’s time for another weekly update! Remember, -X is calories over and X alone is calories under.
Monday: N/A (Included last week)
Tuesday: -15 calories
Wednesday: -273 calories
Thursday: ???
Friday: 100-416 calories
Saturday: 116 calories
Sunday: 165 calories
Weight: 246lbs

There you have it, another week gone and I’m still on diet and losing weight. Yeah, it’s not completely regular this week but it averages around 150 a day, so 150 calories under dietary budget. BUT that’s okay, still enough to lose weight and not enough to cause problems. I might have panicked a little after Easter weekend indulgence but I seem to be back on (towards) the straight a narrow.
Thursday is a blip. I went to an all you can eat trans-world buffet restaurant for a birthday meal. I’m not really sure how much I ate, but it was over budget. Friday is a smaller blip; I went to a friend’s house and he had made chicken wings and I don’t really remember how many I ate – all I remember is that they were good and not breaded or battered. However, I had a much better idea of how many calories each contained so they were easier to track, hence the day has a value attached unlike Thursday.
So after four weeks of dieting I have lost a whole stone of weight! I’m starting to see where I’ve lost it too, which is even better. Whether or not other people are/can is a different matter, but they will eventually.
My target for the next four weeks is to lose at least 8 pounds. I’m setting the target slightly lower because I am aware that a lot of people who diet ‘bounce back’ after the first month, and that losing a stone a month is probably not the healthiest weight loss goal. Also, I’m worried people may not recognise me if I lose too much too fast and that will be problematic at work and family gatherings.
Later this week I will be putting up another advice post, if anyone cares, which will include recipes/ingredient lists for dishes I’ve been making myself that fulfil my hunger urges but also stay safely within diet boundaries while actually providing some nutritional worth. Pictures will be included. Exciting, right?


  1. Whoa chad, a stone in four weeks? that is some serious mental power! keep it up my friend, glad to see you're doing well

  2. Thanks buddy! Yeah...I ate a lot...My goal is to be 13 stone by the time I'm 26. You aren't anything without ambition, right?
    I hope you're looking after yourself!
